Travelling with pets in the EU
The non-commercial movement of pets from EU country to Poland, according to the Regulation (EU) No. 576/2013
Dogs, cats and ferrets (up to 5 animals)
- must be identified with:
- transponder - complying with requirements indicated in Annex II of the Regulation (EU) No. 576/2013 or
- a clearly readable tattoo (animals identified before 3 July 2011);
- must be vaccinated against rabies - the anti-rabies vaccine must comply with requirements indicated in Annex III of the Regulation (EU) No. 576/2013. The date of vaccination must not precede the date of application of the transponder or the date of reading of the transponder or the tattoo indicated in the appropriate section of the identification document. The validity of the vaccination starts 21 days from the administration of vaccine in case of primary vaccination, and continues until the end of the period of protective immunity. If the boosters are administered according to the protocol of manufacturer, the validity of vaccination is uninterrupted.
- must be accompanied by a passport issued by a veterinarian authorized by the competent authority certifying valid anti-rabies vaccination, or revaccination, if applicable.
Polish law does not allow to bring into Poland young dogs, cats or ferrets under 12 weeks of age without valid vaccination against rabies
Other pets
There are no requirements for non-comercial movement for other pets than mentioned in the Regulation (EU) No. 576/2013.